They’re not ideal interview circumstances: 30 minutes with figure skater Johnny Weir, speaking from a cell phone at a car wash.
Кто еще, кроме Джонни, может столько всего наговорить за полчаса?
I wanted to really take advantage of them, especially since at Vancouver, at the last Olympics, I really competed better than I ever had in my life. I did two standout performances that I’ll always remember, and even though I didn’t win a medal, people really responded to what I did on the ice and who I am as a person.
Also when I return to competitive figure skating, which I hope to next year,
WHEN?! не if? хоспаде, я не знаю, какие еще запчасти тушки можно поскрещивать)
My coach, for example, was born in 1946 in the Soviet Union,
хммм... у Галины Яковлевны тоже был юбилей в этом году?
Хмм еще раз, википедия дает ее год рождения - 1952?
ох, Джонни, получишь от ГЯ
Russia is a very homophobic country, and I’m about as gay as a handbag full of rainbows.
Хорошо, хоть таких иллюзий относительно "любимой страны" нет(((.
Какая-то ж скотина объяснила популярно?
Even taxi drivers in Russia know who I am
ох, Джонни... Артур Лукьянов такой один все-таки, я думаю)))
I just recently performed in a city in southern Russia, near the mountains, and there’s a huge factory there for Gazprom, which is Vladimir Putin’s gas company. There was snow up to my shoulders, one highway with one lane on each side. So as a Russophile it’s so interesting.
I don’t try to push that boundary. I know what my body looks like and how to use my lines, and I don’t veer from that very much
и почему мне это так нравится?)
But I’ve been thinking a lot about Bizet’s Carmen and actually being Carmen.
So dancing Carmen and skating Carmen seems like such an interesting idea. I am super effeminate, but to be a Spanish lady with all that passion and fire would be such a stretch for me, and it would challenge me. I’d like that.
Что-то мне это напоминает... амиши, печенье с кремом посередине? нет?
Про "сказку странствий" Шнитке мы что-то совсем забыли(...
Q. I wonder how the judges will react since you are openly gay now—if that will make a difference?
A. it shouldn’t have even been a question.
если бы, если бы...(((
Абзац про олимпийские прокаты я копировать не буду, моих нервов читать это еще раз не хватает(. Сколько еще ему будут мотать?
I skate as much as I can, and I try to stay in great shape and I can still do all of the difficult jumps; I’m still working on my quadruple jumps.
I skate whenever I can and I fit my training in whenever I can because aside from it being my job and the thing that I love to do.
Ловила за хвост свои ассоциации, пытаясь ...хм, читать это интервью). Вот, вспомнила - Питер Блад говорит полковнику Бишопу: "вы будете прилично знать латынь к тому времени, как я с вами покончу"))).